Avda. Doctor Arce, 37. 28002. Madrid (Spain)


The Department of Functional and Systems Neurobiology works on intercellular communication processes and their effects on neuronal growth and differentiation, egulatory mechanisms of neuronal excitability, and nerve growth and regeneration.

Department Manager: Gertrudis Perea Parrilla


Laboratory of neuro-glial networks

Group leader: Gertrudis Perea Parrilla

Neuroactive steroids

Group leader: Mª Ángeles Arévalo

Neurobiology of the basal ganglia

Group leader: Rosario Moratalla Villalba

Laboratory of Neurophysiology and Synaptic Plasticity

Group leader: Eduardo Martín Montiel

Inhibitory microcircuit laboratory

Group leader: Pablo Méndez García

Synaptic plasticity and astrocyte-neuron interactions

Group leader: Marta Navarrete Llinás