Avda. Doctor Arce, 37. 28002. Madrid (Spain)


Maximum international recognition in Neurosciences

The Cajal Institute awards the highest international distinction in the field of neuroscientific research: the Cajal International Diploma. .

This award, created in 1988 with the purpose of contributing to the visibility, promotion and dissemination of studies on the brain, distinguishes and rewards the work of the most outstanding researchers in the field of Neurosciences, serving as a support, impulse and recognition of the dedication, work and achievements of the most eminent neuroscientists.

Awarded by the scientific community itself

This award is granted at the proposal of anInternational Selection Committee composed of the presidency of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), the management of the Cajal Institute, representatives of the main international neuroscience associations and organizations, and the editors of the research journals with the greatest impact specialized in this field.

The award is presented during an institutional ceremony held at the headquarters of the Cajal Institute in Madrid (Spain), during which the laureates give a lecture (Cajal Lecture on Neuroscience).

Editions and award winners

The researchers distinguished with the Cajal International Diploma in the six editions awarded to date are the following: