Avda. Doctor Arce, 37. 28002. Madrid (Spain)

Innovation + Development

One of the main objectives of the center is to transfer the results of the research carried out in its laboratories both to the clinical setting and to the medical and pharmaceutical industry, through the creation of technology-based companies created within the Institute itself, which can promote clinical trials and have the capacity to produce medical technology and drugs for the treatment of brain damage and pathologies..

Thanks to its technical and human resources, the center has the capacity to become a true scientific-technological engine, collaborating with patient associations and with all types of companies in the sector (pharmaceutical, scientific-medical-clinical equipment, neurorehabilitation technologies, etc.).

Future opportunities

The new spaces that the Cajal Institute will have at the University Campus of the University of Alcalá de Henares are complemented by the location, in the facilities provided by the UAH and intended for innovation, of spin-offs and scientific groups with a clear translational orientation, including spaces for the provision of services, which will allow the development of a business model based on the provision of services to third parties in which most of the groups and units of the center can be integrated.

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