Avda. Doctor Arce, 37. 28002. Madrid (Spain)


With a multidisciplinary vocation, the Cajal Institute deals with with all the areas of neuroscientific research. The main lines of research developed in the center are articulated around five priority lines of study::

Research personnel

Such a broad and extensive work requires a large team of researchers. The Cajal Institute has a staff of more than thirty tenured scientists, which is complemented by the participation of more than a hundred contract researchers, postdoctoral fellows, predoctoral fellows, visiting researchers and students who carry out their scientific training at the center.

Departments and laboratories

The research work of the Cajal Institute is carried out in more than twenty laboratories, organized around four major scientific departments::
Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Neurobiology, Functional and Systems Neurobiology, Translational Neuroscience and Cajal Blue Brain Node.

Each of the departments has several areas of work, which translate into more than fifty specific lines of research.