Avda. Doctor Arce, 37. 28002. Madrid (Spain)


The Cajal Institute collaborates in highly qualified continuing education programs for graduate students through an institutional collaboration with the State Public Employment Service (SEPE):

Dissemination of knowledge

The center works actively in establishing links with all types of entities and institutions for the dissemination of the scientific knowledge generated in its laboratories.

To this end, the Institute organizes numerous informative events that enjoy a great reception and social repercussion, and its members regularly participate in different types of public events to disseminate their research activity (scientific fairs, public conferences, open house sessions, interviews with the media, etc.)

Specialized seminars

The Cajal Institute develops annually about fifty specialized seminars (approximately one every week), given by leading national and international researchers.

The center also organizes important international symposiums on Neuroscience that already have a great tradition and prestige, such as the CajalXmas Meeting, where every year the most outstanding young neuroscientists of the international scene present and share their research lines.

Seminar agenda

You can keep informed of all the seminars and educational and training activities organized by the Cajal Institute in our agenda of activities:

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