Avda. Doctor Arce, 37. 28002. Madrid (Spain)


Knowledge of the structure and functioning of the brain

The research carried out at the Cajal Institute aims to provide essential knowledge about the structure and functioning of the brain during its developmental phase, as well as in the adult individual. Knowing the basic mechanisms of nerve function allows us to transfer results and cutting-edge technologies to society and the health industry.

Our main objectives are to provide a better understanding of the pathophysiology of brain diseases, which have an increasing social incidence, and to develop neurorehabilitation methods to improve the functional or health outcomes of people with physical disabilities.

Research and training committed to society

From a broad and multidisciplinary perspective, the Cajal Institute is committed to promoting, coordinating, developing, disseminating, advising, training personnel and attracting talent, as well as strengthening social awareness of brain diseases..

To this end, we work to raise awareness of the importance of brain research actively collaborating with scientific societies and local associations of patients with neurological disorders.

Objetivos del Instituto Cajal

With a total of 233 members, including staff and contract researchers, students and support staff, the center maintains and consolidates its international prestige. Its laboratories continue to produce important discoveries on the development and normal and pathological functioning of the brain, one of the current frontiers of knowledge.

The plan for the future of the Cajal Institute, recently designed by the Spanish National Research Council, positions it as a strategic research center in Spanish neuroscience. A center that will be fundamental for the therapeutic approach to neurodegenerative diseases, which constitute one of the main social and health challenges in developed countries.


The purpose of the Cajal Institute is to be an international center of reference in research, development and innovation in the field of Neurosciences, capable of attracting the best researchers, as a key to the development of its activity in a sustainable manner.


As a public research center, the Cajal Institute is aware of the importance of the social role it plays. The commitment of the center implies, in addition to the development of quality fundamental and applied research, the obligation to offer a clear and visible return to society, so its mission is articulated around four fundamental lines of action:


One of the center's priorities is the transfer of research to clinical practice and industry, through the creation of spin-off companies that exploit its scientific results or promote trials for their practical application.


Training in Neuroscience, both undergraduate and postgraduate,is a fundamental axis of our activity with a double perspective. On the one hand, it allows us to transfer the knowledge acquired to students in training, and on the other hand, it gives us the opportunity to connect with the university environment, recruiting the best students to train in the laboratories of the Cajal Institute..


The Cajal Institute became heir to the work of Santiago Ramón y Cajal and the Spanish Neurohistorical School, by receiving his important and valuable scientific legacy, preserving, promoting and continuing all that knowledge that constituted the pillar of brain research. Our center has represented, since its origin, the role offlagship of Neuroscience in the world..


The dissemination and social extension of the research work carried out at the Cajal Institute must be one of the fundamental axes of our current and future scientific activity, since as a public research center we have a commitment to society, to which we must pass on and pass on the results and the fruits of our activity..